While Dina Lohan was on Celebrity Big Brother a little incident occurred and went viral. Dina revealed that she had an online boyfriend for five years but never met the man. At one point, Tamar Braxton and Kandi Burress were certain she was being catfished and vowed to help her get to the truth. Tamar even offered to meet this mystery man in person with her.
Meanwhile, as Dina Lohan hadn’t revealed his name or information, he was outing himself and declaring his love for Dina on Twitter.
The public went crazy over the possibility that Dina Lohan was falling for a man who was possibly out to use and abuse her and they asked Catfish host to get involved and help track down the potential scoundrel.
Well, Nev Schulman did track him down, but it really didn’t matter as Jesse Nadler was already tweeting he was the man and denying that he was a catfish, fake, or not in love with Dina Lohan.
Now that his identity has been revealed, the public is researching Nadler to see if he really is who he says he is and if Dina should waste her time with him.
Apparently, Nev is still on the case and will bring the public a much-needed update on Jesse Nadler’s character and help answer whether or not Dina is being taken for a ride.
On Feb. 13, 2019, Nev Schulman tweeted the following.
UPDATE: found @dinalohan’s boyfriend…but his story is way bigger than I could have ever imagined.
— Nēv Schulman (@NevSchulman) February 13, 2019
If you check on Kandi Burruss’ Twitter account, on January 30, 2019, Jesse Nadler came forward to address the catfish allegations and professed his love for Dina.
He even included a photo of himself.
Yet many people agree with Kandi and Tamar and ask why in five years if things were moving so positively, had the two never met.
Now people are advising Dina Lohan to hold off on meeting Jesse until Nev concludes his investigation. If Nev truly is a catfisher, Nev will find out and expose him.
Sweet Lady-
I'm Real,,, and Not a Cat Fish-
I Love that @dinalohan
I'll Never Make a Fool Out of Her,,,She's Possesses Something Very Near and Dear to My Heart-
My Heart- pic.twitter.com/6FHrk27nXL
— Jesse DiGregorio Nadler (@tiburonbadboy) February 6, 2019
What do you think about the growing drama with Dina Lohan, Jesse Nadler, and Nev Schulman? Do you think Dina is being catfished? Should Nev feature Dina and Jesse on the show?