Dancing In The Street: Which Version Is Best?

Mick Jagger and David Bowie Facebook share X share

Dancing In The Street: is it the classy vocals of Martha and the Vandellas or Jagger and Bowie’s cocky music video that wins this battle?

Dancing In The Street - Martha and the Vandellas

The song was originally recorded in 1964 by one of Motown's best, Martha and the Vandellas. The group, often considered second to The Supremes but we’d argue they were just as good, had a hit on their hands and the song went on to not only become their signature number but also of Motown's best.

This version reached number two in America and number four in the UK when it was released in 1969. The group can thank this song for reviving their success in the UK.

50 years since its release, this version of ‘Dancing In The Street’ has definitely stood the test of time.

Dancing In The Street - David Bowie and Mick Jagger 

Mick Jagger and David Bowie released their version of 'Dancing In The Street' in 1985. People thought it odd at the time (some still do), as the pair's styles didn't match and the original version was so well loved. 

However, nobody considered the amazing music video that was going to be created. The dancing. Oh, the awkward dancing. And Bowie’s jumpsuit, which has actually had somewhat of a revival this season.

Vocally, the pair actually gel better than you might have expected but if we were to score the pair on their dancing ability, Jagger takes it with a solid seven, with Bowie lagging behind with a ‘well, at least he tried’ five.

This version is flamboyant, often surreal and has a music video full of over-the-top pelvic movements. Good effort boys, but the original takes it.

Best version? Martha and the Vandellas. 

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