Gilbert Burns slams Jorge Masvidal for 'lotion' cheating at UFC 287, claims the act prevented him fr

Gilbert Burns surprised many at UFC 287 when he capped off an impressive performance by leveling cheating accusations at his opponent, Jorge Masvidal. The Brazilian continued his march towards another welterweight title shot with an impressive performance against Masvidal in the co-main event.

'Durinho' dominated Masvidal for the majority of the fight. Following the fight, he claimed that Masvidal was greased up, which is a subtle way to make it more difficult for an opponent to grab a hold of you. According to 'Durinho', he would have submitted Jorge Masvidal had he not cheated by applying lotion to his skin.

Gilbert Burns cut his combat teeth in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu realm. Despite no-gi BJJ only becoming prominent recently, Burns will know more than enough about the ways to cheat in grappling. He said this:

"I know those old tricks that those guys do. You know what they do? They wake up on Saturday and they take their first shower, then they put a lot of lotion on their body. The skin absorbs the lotion, and then after three hours you do it again. Then after you do it again, then again. Whenever you start sweating a lot [you get slippery]. For sure he did that, 100% he did. I'm telling you, I'm not like, 'Oh maybe [he is greased]' No, 100% he did it. He was so slippery."

Watch the video below from 3:30:

Gilbert Burns has produced two stellar performances back-to-back, and he knows that a title shot is around the corner. 'Durinho' previously challenged for the welterweight title against Kamaru Usman at UFC 258 in 2021, where he was TKO'd. But with the title changing hands, Burns may feel he matches up better with the current champion, Leon Edwards.

Gilbert Burns wants to be a backup fighter for Leon Edwards vs. Colby Covington

Gilbert Burns cemented himself as a bonafide title contender following a dominant performance against Jorge Masvidal at UFC 287. 'Durinho' is currently ranked at No. 5 in the division, and his next fight could very well be for the title.

Welterweight champion Leon Edwards defeated Kamaru Usman for the second time at UFC 286. The company's president, Dana White, announced that Edwards would face Colby Covington next at the post-UFC 286 press conference.

Gilbert Burns has now requested that he be selected as the backup fighter for Edwards vs. Covington, which is likely to take place later this year. He spoke to Megan Olivi following his victory over Jorge Masvidal and said this:

"I wanna be a back-up [for Edwards vs. Covington]. Put me out there, I'm ready for it, and I'm gonna be the next one for the title. I don't need to keep proving [anything]..."

Watch the video below from 2:15:

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