How to solve the puzzle in easy steps

The latest Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Perilous Trail has unlocked all parts of the storyline in Genshin Impact.

In the fourth section of the Perilous Trail, "End of the Line" will have players enter a new domain called "Realm of Snaring Illusions." Here, they will have to solve a time-related puzzle to find an exit.

Players will have to continuously tinker with the flow of time inside the domain to solve the puzzle. This can all be done by moving the needle of the Fantastic Compass and passing through a gate that players will find inside the new domain.

Here is a guide that explains how to solve the puzzle in Genshin Impact easily with simple steps.

Genshin Impact: Easy guide to solving Enter the New Space puzzle domain

Fantastic compass and the entrance to new space (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once players enter the "Realm of Snarling Illusions," they will find two compasses and a small entrance that leads somewhere.

Players can use the compass to travel into the past or future by moving the needle forward or backward. Every time the needle in the compass moves, the gate will lead to a new space. Players have to enter a new space and explore to solve the puzzle and find an exit.

Keep in mind that there will be times when multiple cut-scenes will be triggered, and players will have to fight enemies with trial characters only for the sake of the storyline.

The game and interactions with other characters will have subtle hints that will help players solve the puzzle. However, they are also easy to miss if players are not paying enough attention.

Move the needle to alter the time and space of the domain (Image via Genshin Impact)

Follow these simple instructions to solve the "Enter the New Space" domain puzzle:

Step 1

Fight waves of enemies with a trial version of Yanfei so players can interact with the Fantastic Compass. Move the needle of the compass forward and pass through the gate to enter the next space.

Step 2

Fight against multiple Fatui Skirmishers with a trial version of Yanfei and Yelan. Interact with Yelan and pass through the gate to the next space. Players need to move the needle forward to move to the next space.

If the compass is blocked by a tree, move the needle backward to the previous space and destroy the tree sapling.

Destroy the tree in the previous space when it was still a sapling (Image via Genshin Impact)

Step 3

In the next space, players will have to fight against Bosacius, the Electro Yaksha's illusions, with a trial version of Xiao. Keep hitting the purple entity until the combat ends.

Enter the new space and move the needle of the compass backwards twice before passing through the gate again. The compass will be blocked by a locked tunnel gate. Players need to return to their previous space and pull the lever to open the tunnel gate.

Step 4

Enter a new space to find yourself in the Abyss. A small cut-scene will be played, and Travelers will see their twins appear and run away deeper into the Abyss. Keep following the twin until another cut-scene is triggered.

Players will then find an object lying inside the Abyss. Take the object and leave the space. A precious treasure chest will spawn near the domain exit, so players should not forget to open the chest before leaving.

Some Genshin Impact players may prefer visual guides and can refer to the YouTube guide embedded above.

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