Khloe Kardashian is the best because shes probably not even a Kardashian


These are some new photos of Khloe Kardashian at last night’s Hollywood Style Awards. To go to a style event dressed like a goth princess? Ugh. And I like black! A lot. But this much black screams “I’m in 11th grade, I love candles and I’m totally Wiccan.” It’s not flattering on Khloe’s statuesque frame.

I know we do a lot of bitching about the Kardashians around here, but Khloe is consistently my favorite. CB just gave me a really great idea for why I like her so much – Khloe might not even really be a “Kardashian”. You see, as Khloe’s mom Kris Jenner promotes her new book, Kris is talking about the affair she had when she was 30 years old, 26 years ago. Now, Khloe is 27. Could it be that Kris is admitting the affair but fudging the dates? You have to admit – Khloe doesn’t really look like her sisters. And she’s taller and she has a completely different kind of body type. So, what happened there?

In her memoir Kris Jenner and All Things Kardashian which has just been released, Kris Jenner admits that it was an affair on her part that led to a divorce from Robert Kardashian, father of Khloe, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian.

Jenner wrote: “His name was Ryan, and he was a producer.”

Jenner was 30, she said, when she cheated on her ex-husband and the father of three of her daughters. “I don’t know why I was having a mid-life crisis at 30, but I was.” Kris (short for Kristen) had been with Rob Kardashian since she was 18.

In an effort to explain why she had an affair, Jenner said, “[I was] probably just really naive and stupid and restless and didn’t realize that marriage has its ups and downs.”

In the end, life went on for Kris who later married Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner, who she also shares children (Kendall, Kylie and Brody) with. For those who look on the bright side of things, if Kris Jenner had not had the affair, she and Robert might not have divorced and Kendall, Kylie and Brody might not have ever been born.

Even so, Kris Jenner told Jay Leno, “It’s probably the biggest regret of my life that I ended up having an affair. Someone once told me that it’s like a roller-coaster, just ride it out. But I wasn’t really old enough to hear those words.”

[From Gather Celebs]

It sounds like Kris is only admitting the part of the affair in which she got caught – she says that Robert Kardashian was having her followed by a private detective, and after Robert found out about the affair, he divorced her. I wonder what made Robert suspicious? Maybe he wondered about Khloe’s paternity as well?

Another reason to like Khloe most of all: according to the tabloids, she now kind of hates her sister Kim and their mother:

The Kardashians are about to hold a “series of crisis meetings,” over Kim Kardashian‘s choice to file for divorce on Oct. 31 after just 72 days of marriage to Kris Humphries, says a new report from In Touch magazine.

“The family has split into two camps since the divorce – Kim and her mom versus the rest of the family, who are really angry at her,” an insider tells In Touch magazine.

“Encouraged by her mom, Kris, Kim has become a fame-addicted, money-hungry monster. She has lost touch with reality.”

A source reveals that Khloe is “seething” over Kim’s actions — and while in Australia, the sisters got into a battle in a bathroom.

“Khloe was mad because Kim was trying to look sad [about her divorce],” describes onlooker Hannah Smith. “She was telling Kim that people would see right through it, and Kim was only making things worse.” Kim and Khloe got so nasty to each other that they were “swearing at each other.” Kim stormed out of the room after getting totally worked up.

Then at the airport when Kim, Khloe and Lamar were heading home from Australia, Khloe and Lamar ignored Kim as she tried to wheel her luggage. “It was as if they didn’t even know her,” notes a witness.

[From Hollywood Life]

Hahaha. Khloe ignoring Kim? Khloe yelling at her mom? Excellent progress. Khloe now needs to drop the “Kardashian” from her name. Maybe she should just take her husband’s name? Khloe Odom. That’s not bad.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
