Nadya Suleman tears up Kate Gosselin bikini pics, calls her body boxy

Octomom Nadya Suleman criticizes Kate Gosselin’s bikini body and rips up pictures of her in a new video on Radar Online. Suleman is starting to freak me out and it’s uncomfortable to see these videos. It’s like seeing an accident where you can’t tear your eyes away despite feeling really guilty about it.

In the video, Suleman criticizes Kate Gosselin’s banging bikini body as “boxy” and says that her stomach is better than that and that she’ll look better than Kate shortly. She also says she’ll “never” have a tummy tuck. “I don’t need to there’s nothing to tuck.” Just like she’ll never get her lips injected, right? At least Kate Gosselin is honest about her surgery.

When exclusively showed Suleman brand new bikini photos of the mother of 8, Nadya ripped them to shreds.

In an explosive new interview with, Suleman calls Gosselin a “cheater” for relying on plastic surgery to get her body back in bikini shape following giving birth to twins and septuplets. Nadya says she would never get a tummy tuck, and that her friends call her “rubberband” for her body’s natural ability to bounce back into shape following childbirth.

Suleman also says Gosselin’s bikini photos look “staged”, and calls the mother of 8 “desperate for attention.”

[From Radar Online]

Nadya also says she’s a size 5 now and brags about how it only took her 3-4 months after the twins to get her pre-pregnancy body back. As for whether she’ll ever pose like Gosselin in a bikini for the cameras, she gives one of those lying statements with some backtracking as we’ve come to expect from her.

On if she’ll pose in a bikini
“I’m not as attention seeking. Probably never, and if I do I’ll be more appropriate I’ll wear little boy shorts like the 50s or 60s bikinis. A little cuter less attention seeking.”

Suleman denies having her own boobs done but says she has a “friend” who did it, and she thinks Kate had a breast augmentation based on the buoyancy of her boobs. “Mine droop.”

You can see the petty jealousy and anger in Suleman throughout these videos and it’s scary. At the end of the video she rips up Gosselin’s picture, throws it in the trash and that acts disgusted that her hand touched the photo. There are plenty of preteens who act with more grace and maturity when confronted with a rival. Suleman is a truly disturbed woman, and if anyone ever doubted that she’s crazy there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary now.

